Tax profit — or taxable profit is used to distinguish between accounting profit or earnings (the number that is generally referred to in financial results for public companies and quoted in the press). Taxable profit is the number that is used to calculate… … Wikipedia
loss — The opposite of gain. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * loss loss [lɒs ǁ lɒːs] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the fact of no longer having something that you used to have, or having less of it: • loss of earnings through illness ˈjob loss… … Financial and business terms
Tax forms in the United States — are used by taxpayers and tax exempt organizations to report financial information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They are used to report income and calculate taxes owed to the government of the United States. TOC Federal tax forms 990… … Wikipedia
Tax avoidance and tax evasion — Tax avoidance is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one s own advantage, in order to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law. By contrast tax evasion is the general term for efforts to not pay taxes by… … Wikipedia
Tax shelter — Tax shelters are any method of reducing taxable income resulting in a reduction of the payments to tax collecting entities, including state and federal governments. The methodology can vary depending on local and international tax laws.In North… … Wikipedia
Tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Tax protester statutory arguments — Part of the Taxation in the United States series Tax protest in the United States … Wikipedia
Tax haven — A tax haven is a place where certain taxes are levied at a low rate or not at all. Individuals and/or firms can find it attractive to move themselves to areas with lower tax rates. This creates a situation of tax competition among governments.… … Wikipedia
tax law — Introduction body of rules under which a public authority has a claim on taxpayers, requiring them to transfer to the authority part of their income or property. The power to impose taxes is generally recognized as a right of governments.… … Universalium
Tax Reform Act of 1986 — The U.S. Congress passed the Tax Reform Act (TRA) of 1986, (USStatute|99|514|100|2085|1986|10|22) to simplify the income tax code, broaden the tax base and eliminate many tax shelters and other preferences. Although often referred to as the… … Wikipedia
Tax attribute — The Internal Revenue Code contains a limited number of specific statutory provisions excluding from income economic benefits that would otherwise constitute gross income under the Code. IRC § 108 constitutes one such exclusion. Section 108… … Wikipedia